
War Adam eine historische Person?

A few weeks ago we had Carl Trueman on the podcast with us. One thing he said really stood out—that one of the great challenges in the church today is defending the historicity of Adam. Although I had sense of what’s at stake in that debate, I wanted to know more. Since David Murray has done a lot of work in this area, I took the opportunity in this week’s podcast to ask him about that whole issue. What is the debate about? Who are some of the people who deny that Adam actually existed? What are some of the theological and practical implications of this? How can we prove that Adam is a historical figure?

I hope you enjoy hearing this discussion. If Carl Trueman is correct (and certainly he is not the only one who feels this is a fault line within evangelicalism right now) you may do well to listen in and at least learn the basics of what the debate is all about.


Quelle: Tim Challies